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The Stones - south fl Cappie award


In the month of October, Mehron Makeup hosts the "Mehron 31 Days of Halloween". This is a competition where the company selects one makeup per day in the month of October to feature on their social media and website. At the end of the month, one makeup out of the 31 is selected as the winner of the contest and receives the grand prize.
 In 2020, they decided to create the Creepers Choice Award. This award was given to the makeup artist whose photo received the most likes on their Instagram page.

I was selected as the October 10th finalist and was featured on Mehrons Instagram, Facebook, website, and Mehron Makeup Australia's Instagram. By the end of the month I managed to earn the most likes, winning the Creepers Choice Award.

On the award winning post, makeup legend Rick Baker liked the photo!

_fakehauswives Child
Mehron Makeup Dailyn Robaina
Creepers Choice Award


Cappies Win.jpg

The Cappies is a writing and awards program for high school theatre students to attend, review, and award shows for their accolades. At the end of the season, the Cappies critics vote and award students at a large gala. I directed my schools show Eurydice, which was nominated for 16 Cappie Awards! I received the award for hair and makeup.


In the play Eurydice, the Stones play the part of the Greek Chorus, guarding the Underworld. When analyzing the script for makeup inspiration, I came up with the concept of only turning a portion of their face into stone depending on how long they've spent dead in the Underworld.

The Stones - Sarah Ruhl Eurydice
The Stones - Sarah Ruhl Eurydice

Making the Stones appear as if they were from different eras was very important. The hair and wardrobe for each stone is what separated the three into the year that they died and entered the Underworld.


I originally wanted to make the human portion of the face era-appropriate, but found that was an issue due to potential clashing of the stone and human halves. A natural base with eyeshadow matching the dress and black lipstick to tie the two halves together proved to work extremely well.


Big Stone

Big Stone died and began turning into stone in the 1750's, which is why she has the largest portion of skin turned to stone. I felt that having the whole top portion of the face turned to stone would be a great contrast to the other two characters, being that Big Stone now has two colored contacts and almost a full head of gray, mossy hair.


Big Stone's wig was styled after the popular French "tete de mouton" hairstyle, which translates to "sheep's head". This hairstyle consisted of defined twists of curls that were arranged in rows on the head.


The wig was styled using a large curling iron, bobby pins, and lots of hairspray. After styling, the wig was carefully sprayed white to line up with the stone portion of the face. Once dry, moss was glued to the hair to make a seamless transition from makeup to wig.

Big Stone


Loud Stone

For Loud Stones makeup, the right portion of the face was painted and a single contact was put in. Orange and red eyeshadow was placed on the human portion of the face to match the actresses dress. Black lipstick and moss was applied to the face to finish the look.



Early 1830's hairstyles were parted in the center and dressed in elaborate curls extending from the crown of the head. Topknots were extremely popular at the time.


The wig was styled using a small curling iron, bobby pins and hairspray. Once the front sections were curled, I created a topknot on the back of the head and decorated it with two braids coming from just above the ear. The hair was then sprayed gray and moss was placed in the hair.

Loud Stone


Little Stone

Little Stone makeup application was the most simple out of the three since there was just a very small portion of the face turned into stone. On the right side of the face, green eyeshadow was used to match the actresses dress and the rest of the face was a typical beauty makeup.



In the 1930's, hair was lush, curly, and very feminine. Since Little Stone was a young girl from that period, her hair was styled after the popular ringlet style worn by young Hollywood starlets such as Shirley Temple.


The hair was pulled back then curled using a medium sized curling wand. Once hairsprayed and painted gray, a mossy bow was fastened around the section of hair that was pulled back.

Little Stone
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